Posted by Daniela Berenguer On 2:02 PM 0 comments

Hey-lo, Hello. HALO, Hey, Hi... you get the picture.
Well, it's been a long time since I've written here so I'm going to give you a kind of update on my very ME life:

  • My dad is still on my case because of the attitude thing. I mean, seriously?! The other day he got kind of mad at me just 'cause I wanted to go see a kid's movie! (Okay, maybe I was being annoying, but still!) Luv him, though.
  • We have this Leadership retreat to Honda which is coincidentally on my 15th birthday, so I don't know what to do. If I go to the retreat I'll spend the day with my friends and some good-looking (or VERY HOT, STEAMY) guys, but all that would happen if I'll probably get a rice cake or something like that- not ideal for a bithday. But if I stay then my sister won't be here (yes, that's bad because I actually like my sister) and a friend is having her party that same day, although she is argentinian so I would get to meet sexy-accented guys. If you have any ideas to what to do, please TELL ME!!
  • I have met my future husband and I have employed a friend of mine to stalk him. I am stalking another friend's crush-Eagle. I just have to tell you that this story also involves my sister's best friend, the same one from my '(8) Saturday (8)' post, -Hawk. Yup, it's complicated.
  • Yesterday the buses were on strike so we had no school! Yay, except that I was told this at 5:45-when I was already awake, showered, and had just finished dressing for school. Good news is that I could actually go back to sleep (so not ME!) and I had time to finish the homework I hadn't done (so ME)!
  • I am going to the Cold Play concert tomorrow night! That rocks, except that I am seriously NOT a Cold Play fan, but no worries- I have a whole day to become one!
  • I just lost a follower! :( Let's all cry, or instead, let's all follow my blog! Or please just don't un-follow it! You know you want to follow it, you know you want to!!

So that is basically what is going on in my life, of course there is more, but my life is much too interesting and much too ME to post all of it here! LoL I'm sorry if I sound bored or not like myself, I am just very tired. Plus there is this whole mess with the person who was supposed to be my best friend, but then I find out that she told a big secret of mine to EVERYONE (and I mean everyone) and now she has moved on to ignoring me. Oh I am going to die. That was sarcasm. Ok, well I hope something really ME happens these days- wait, I shouldn't hope that! See how dedicated I am to you?!- so I can tell you about it. 'Till then ya'll!

PS: Remember the question I asked about bullfrogs snorting? Well I finally got an answer... you better just see it yourselves.

Q: Do any kinds of bullfrogs snort?

A: Snort what? I've seen a frog snort cocaine once, but I was on an acid trip, so not much I've seen could be very credible.

I think I agree.. not very credible. I think this just proves that we will never know an answer to this, as I say (or use as a blog title) 'Life... a mystery'. This is just one of life's mysteries we will never solve, unless you mayor in frog snorting in which case, please contact me or a phycologist 'cause that's just weird! :P


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