Short, Colorful Stories!

Posted by Daniela Berenguer On 2:03 PM 0 comments

Hello fellow Bloggers (and I am actually saying hello to someone because I have TWO followers, TWO!! [Okay, I actually made a deal with one of them to follow my blog and I would follow her's but, oh well, it's ME!] :D)
So I have a couple of short, but very ME stories:

  • Yesterday my dad totally freaked out on me because I had an attitude. That doesn't happen in real life! Don't parents know that you're only supposed scold your kid for having an attitude... in movies?! Oh, but I guess you can also scold them for that if they are ME.
  • Still on the topic of my dad, today was his birthday. So I was woken up at five A.M. to take a shower quietly, and the damn shower door wouldn't close so I ended up showering with a mini-spurt so that my whole bathroom floor wouldn't get wet. We then woke him up singing 'Happy Birthday' an he didn't even realize it was his birthday, then when he noticed, he said that he had thought he was forty-six all last year, when he really just turned it. That is totally HIM... maybe that's where I get it from! :P love him
  • Do you remember the guy I told you about that had heard me talking about him? Let's call him Ben. Well, my friends and I were almost the last ones left in the cafeteria and somehow the topic of him came up. So because I'm like that, I said 'Oh, I never understand his jokes! But I...' Only then was I interrupted by a friend to be told that Ben was right beside me and of course, I was practically screaming. And the worst part is that what I didn't get to say was that I was really liking him now. :-[ That's so ME!

Ta-ta for now! ;)


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