Hello, O Little Ones (I discovered this wonderful nickname in Confucius' Analects today, I enjoy it and plan to use it regularly!)
Today we are going to have a bit of a grammar lesson. Let's start with the word 'wordism'. It comes from the root -ism, Eg: communism. And what does communism mean? Well, it means total and utter control of a place or situation. That is just what Microsoft Word did with my computer! I arrived home one day, looking forward, or rather dreading, to catch up on my two weeks of forgotten blogging. But as I cheerfully turned on my computer (which is green, and mine- I got it for my birthday, Yay!) I witnessed a blasphemous act: Word had taken over my computer!
All the little images that appear in the menu, desktop, and taskbar were gone, forcedly replaced by little Word symbols. They seemed to be crying out 'Save me, save me!' like in Spy Kids- the movie- but like the Floopies they too were trapped. Everything I clicked opened a Microsoft Word document, only I couldn't even type because it was blocked by some kind of Ukrainian code. It was chaos inside my screen and I could just imagine a little Bill Gates sitting on a throne while being fanned and served by stolen icons- my icons! I was on the verge of opening the computer to squish that little man with my mere thumb, when my sister suggested a much more… passive and rational solution.
She said the words 'System. Restore.' I heard 'Explosion. Of. Computer.' Well, I decided to take her advice and did the System Restore process and everything was magically cured. Oh how I love my wonderfully smart sister!
I got Worded, I guess, just because I'm ME. Allez le coup d'état!
PS: Now that were on it: No, Microsoft Word, I did not spell my last name wrong!
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